What gift should you buy for the woman who has everything? Purchasing gifts for elderly women is often tricky because they want something beautiful and of high quality but it also must be practical. That’s why our selection of gifts for elderly women has been curated with all of that in mind.
A gift for just about every country lady has to be a gorgeous handbag. However, at Rydale, we love handbags that are both beautiful to look at but also functional. Our range of Helmsley cross-body bags are the perfect size for an everyday handbag. Choose from a leather or tweed material for a traditional style with lots of modern twists. The interchangeable strap also makes a great future gift as they can match their strap to their outfit!
For a cheaper alternative, how about purchasing them a new purse instead? We have just about every size from smaller coin purses to larger purses that double as a clutch bag for a night out. Each of our designs comes with multiple pockets for coins, notes and cards, and a full zip closure, maximising security whilst still being on trend.
Accessories are always such great gifts for elderly women too. Scarves, hats and gloves make a lovely small present individually but also make a perfect set for the country lady who has everything! Our selection of scarves ranges from floaty patterned options to thick knitted striped versions. Whilst hats and gloves might be for autumn/winter alone, scarves can be worn all year round.
If the elderly lady in your life is a homebody, they might appreciate some new pyjamas. Brushed cotton is such a cosy material, they might even want to live in a pair of ours! The country-inspired prints are perfect for any lady and they even feature pockets!
Explore our range of gifts for elderly women in the following colours .