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How to Stop Boots Squeaking

07 Jun 2021 |

Men's Brogue Boots

Sometimes your leather boots can draw attention for the wrong reasons, no matter how much you want to show them off, people looking to see where an annoying squeaking noise is coming from isn’t the correct way to get people looking. Whether you are leaving the house early whilst your family are still asleep or walking around in a quiet office environment, squeaking footwear can be extremely annoying for both you and the people around you.

If your trusty pair of boots have all of a sudden developed a squeak, there’s no need to worry, the majority of our fixes won’t require any special or expensive equipment. Today we will be looking at the main reasons boots and shoes can develop a squeak and the ways you can stop the irritating noise.

Reasons boots squeak:

Before we eliminate the noise, we most first locate the issue. The noise is most likely caused by friction; however, it can be from your boot and the floor or different parts of your boots rubbing together. In this section we will look at how to locate the issue. To do this, you will have to ask yourself a couple of questions:

  • Did the boots get wet last time you wore them? Wet leather can stiffen as it dries, and if it they were left damp for a long time, they can develop a squeak. The best way to deal with this is to dry the boots out, a few rolled up balls of newspaper placed inside the boots will speed this up. Once the boots have fully dried, we recommend you treat them with leather conditioner. Not only will this soften the leather and should get rid of the squeak, but it will also add a layer of protection to keep your boots protected.
  • Is the squeak coming from inside the shoe? If the noise appears to be coming from the inside of your boot, then the most likely culprit is the insole rubbing against the sole of your boots. If the boots have removable insoles, this is a quick fix, but even if they don’t, it is still not a major cause for concern. The simplest fix for this is to remove the insole and apply some talcum powder to the bottom of your boot and put the insole back. This will reduce the friction between the sole and the insole and hopefully stop the squeak. Shake out any excess talc once you have done this. You can apply some coconut oil or put drier sheets between the sole and insoles, but talcum powder would dry up any moisture in the boots and also keep them smelling fresh.
  • Is the sound coming from the outside of your boots? Sometimes a squeak can be the result of the sole of the boot rubbing against the floor. A non-slip rubber sole is most likely to develop this kind of issue, but other types can too. If you do find this to be a problem, you can easily remedy this with just a drier sheet. To start with, give the soles of the boots a quick wipe down with a damp cloth to remove any dirt or grime that may have built up. Allow the soles to dry, you can let them air dry for a couple of hours or wipe them with a dry cloth to speed up the process. Once they are dry, rub a drier sheet all over the bottom of the boots, the residue left behind will provide lubrication on the soles, which should put an end to the squeaking.
  • If you notice the noise more on slick surfaces, then added lubrication likely won’t help. If you hear the noise when walking on smooth cement or floorings such as gym floors, you might need to add some grip to the bottom of your boots. We would only recommend you do this on an old pair of boots, as it will modify the boots and you won’t be able to return them. Get some fine sandpaper, usually around 60-120 grit, and gently scrape it along the bottom of your shoes. This should help with squeaking on slick surfaces.
  • Do the tongue and laces rub together regularly? Although not as common as the other issues listed, occasionally the noise can come from the tongue and laces rubbing together. As this is the least common, it is not something you can expect often, but if the other fixes haven’t worked, it is worth a try to see if this one will. If you believe this is the issue, start by removing the laces from your boots and rub the tongues and the surrounding area with a saddle soap. It is easiest to apply with a microfibre cloth after the shoes have had any dirt or dust removed from them with a clean cloth.

Men's Leather Chelsea Boots

If you have recently purchased a pair of leather boots and the squeaking is very loud and shows no signs of easing after a while, we would recommend you contact the manufacturer as the could be an issue with the soles and the uppers of the boot. Obviously, we understand this might not be ideal, but if you can get a replacement boot, it saves the embarrassment of squeaking whenever you are walking.

If you have tried all of the above and can’t quite get the noise to stop, maybe it is time you looked into purchasing yourself some new boots.

Here at Rydale, we have you covered. We have a wide range of ladies leather boots and men’s leather boots available in all different styles and colours, you are bound to find something that suits your style.

Of course, if you do need any help or advise on how to stop boots from squeaking then please do not hesitate to get in touch with our friendly customer care team who are more than happy to help. 

Be sure to check out our footwear cleaning range too! From leather protector, waterproof sprays, waxes and polishes and much more. 

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