Rydale Country Clothing

16 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Dog (Infographic)

18 Mar 2020 |

We know that at times it can be difficult not to share that delicious food you’re having with your beloved pet. Who can resist those beautiful, beady, and innocent eyes begging for a bite? However, before spoiling and pampering your dog to the core, you may want to carefully consider if those foods pose any kind of health risks to your dog.

Even if your dog has eaten these foods in the past with no problems, they could be causing serious issues that you might not be aware of. After lots of research, we have come up with 16 foods you should never feed your dog - and the important reasons why.

Please feel free to use our infographic on your website as long as you attribute the source with a link to https://www.rydale.com/collections/dog

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