Warm - Offers considerable insulation, suitable for chilly environments.
A lightweight and cosy mid-layer is an essential part of every little ones outdoor gear. From heading to the park, helping out on the farm or simply on the school run, a fleece gilet is sure to become a great go-to piece for your child. With an all-over pheasant print that is eye-catching and unique, they can easily layer up under a raincoat or winter jacket for extra warmth during the colder months.
The pheasant debossed children’s fleeces are of the same superb fleece material that you know and love from Rydale. Like our famous Huggate fleeces, we’ve had to shrink them to fit our smaller Rydale customers.
This kid's pheasant fleece gilet is available in Navy.
Featuring two secure zipped pockets, moleskin trims and an elasticated draw-cord to keep the winds at bay. A lovely light fleece that is sleeveless is perfect for allowing your little one some much-needed freedom of movement. From bouncing around the garden or playing out with a friend, it’s a great piece that won’t make them feel so restricted. If you would like a matching gilet for the whole family, be sure to check out the men’s and ladies versions.
If you have any questions regarding our pheasant fleece gilet or any of our boys and girls gilets and bodywarmers then please get in touch with our customer care team who are more than happy to help.