Rydale Country Clothing

How to Clean Wellies

04 Jun 2021 |

Our wellington boots go through a lot in their life, whether they are used regularly for winter walks out in the country or annually for a big festival, we subject them to a lot. They are boots designed to take all we can throw at them, a normal pair of shoes would be ruined if subjected to half of what we put our wellies through. The freedom of knowing your feet will stay dry regardless of what you walk through leads to some more questionable things stood in. Today we will be looking at the best way to clean your wellies and give them the TLC they deserve for keeping your feet safe and dry.

Ladies Neoprene Lined Wellies

You might think that cleaning a pair of boots designed to withstand water is a bit pointless, you can just stand in a puddle and the water will rinse them off, the same way some people won’t clean their car if there is rain forecasted in the near future. Although this may make your wellies look a little cleaner, it isn’t really doing them much good (also you don’t know what is in the puddle, so best to try avoid it). Besides, cleaning them isn’t really difficult and doesn’t take long at all.

Some manufacturers suggest washing the shoes after each use, but at Rydale we understand you could be wearing yours everyday out in the fields, so it isn’t convenient to do so. But if you can manage once a week at least to keep your boots in top condition. If you do end up exposing your wellingtons to salt, from the beach or maybe the grit on an icy day, we do recommend you give them a wash as soon as possible. Any salt that comes into contact with zips or buckles can cause them to rust and potentially ruin your wellingtons, so it is best to make sure you remove any sand or grit that may come in contact with your boots as soon as possible.

Cleaning your wellies

When it comes to the actual cleaning of your wellies, it really doesn’t take a lot. We recommend you clean them after use, so the mud, grass and any other things stuck to them are easier to remove. For a quick wash, you can run them under an outdoor tap or give them a spray from a hosepipe. If you have any stubborn mud or mud dried from a previous use, you may need to give them a wipe down at the same time. You can source special boot cleaning equipment, however a clean bit of cloth will do the job just as good.

Men's Neoprene Lined Wellington Boots

If you are wanting to give them a deeper clean, you can add some mild dish soap to a bucket of water, you won’t need a lot, and wipe the solution over the boots, working from the top to bottom of the boot, there’s no need to apply a lot of pressure. Once the boot has been fully wiped, make sure to remove the solution thoroughly to avoid any soap stains when they dry. You can give the tread a good scrubbing with a brush to make sure you get anything that is stuck out of them. This will keep the traction in the tread and stop any slips in the mud.

If the inside of the boots won’t need cleaning as often, but as the boots are waterproof, they won’t let moisture in or out, so some moisture can be trapped from your feet. Make sure you always were socks with your boots, they absorb most of the moisture and odour, but occasionally you may need to clean the inside of your boots. The method is very similar to the outside, make a solution of dish soap and water and rub the whole inside of your boot. Wipe it off with a damp clean rag and make sure it is all fully cleaned off.

Ladies Wellies

Once you have removed all of the mud from your boots, the next step is to dry them. This stage doesn’t really require you to do anything, you can pop some screwed up newspaper inside to help draw out any moisture that might be inside the boot from washing. When leaving your boots to dry, make sure you avoid placing them near any heat source or out in the sun. It might seem the most practical way to speed up the drying, but wellies don’t like changes in temperature, and it can cause them to crack. Leave them in a cool, dry place to dry naturally.

If you have cleaned the inside of your boots, make sure you leave them for up to 48 hours to dry. Damp boots can be a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to things such as athletes’ foot. A 50/50 solution of water and vinegar will keep your wellies fresh if you spray it inside and leave to dry naturally. The acidic qualities of vinegar are great for removing odours. A few sprays inside your boots should be fine, you can do this after you have wiped the inside of your boots so they can dry off at the same time.

Caring for your wellies

There’s no point in spending all your time making sure your wellies are well looked after to just throw them in a shed or in the boot of your car for when you next need them. It is important to store your wellington boots properly if you want them to last. Extreme temperatures can prematurely age your boots, leading to cracks and splits, so in the boot of your car in summer or out in the shed at winter will do them no good.

Ladies Wellington Boots

We have a few tips for storing your boots to make them last. A cool dry place is the best place to keep your boots, an under stairs cupboard is a favourite and is perfect for wellies. Never store your boots when dirty or damp. It is best to make sure the boots are fully cleaned and dry before you put them away. If you are planning to travel with your wellies, a storage bag is good investment. These bags help keep the temperature regulated for the boots and allow air to circulate to keep them fresh. Even if you just leave them at home, one of our Rydale wellington boot bags can still be used to keep them in top condition.

Caring for your wellies may seem like a lot of hassle, but when you invest in a pair of good wellies, you want them to last. No matter how much you spend on them, you will always need to look after them to make sure they last for as long as possible. Following our guide on how to clean wellies will make sure you get the most out of your wellingtons.

We stock a wide range here at Rydale, ranging from full zip Gransmoor neoprene-lined wellies to our mid-calf length wellies coming in classic country patterns, you’ll be sure to find something suitable. Be sure to explore the full range of men's and ladies wellington boots for more exciting prints and colours. 

If you have any questions, or require help or advise on any of our wellington boots them please contact our friendly customer care team who are always happy to help.

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