Rydale Country Clothing

How to Clean a Leather Wallet

23 Jun 2021 |

A high-quality leather wallet is a must for all countryside gentlemen. It’s a touch of luxury in everyday life, combining a practical item with style and elegance. Traditional leather wallets have evolved somewhat now but still look as classic as ever. Nowadays, they are more spacious inside, with plenty of room for cards, notes and coins.

Our designs are classic but unique, with material lining giving them a countryside feel and classic brown leather on the outside. These designs are updated but still maintain that old-school country gentleman look.

If you have no need for a wallet yourself, they also make a great gift for that man in your life who can be a little tricky to buy for! You can often even get them personalised with their initials as an extra special touch.

Men's Leather Wallet

If you take care of yours, it will last you years. We’ve rounded up our top tips of how to find the perfect leather wallet for you, how to look after it without too much work as well as how to clean it properly. Follow these steps and your wallet will see you through many occasions!

Tips to picking your perfect leather wallet + looking after it

You might not have given too much thought about picking the right wallet for you or even how to look after it. It might not seem like an investment piece but whenever you buy a new wallet, it always seems to take a while for you to get used to it. Maybe if you’d looked after the old one better, you might still have it!

We’ve collated a few of our favourite tips when it comes to selecting the best wallet for you and then how to make it last as long as possible!

  1. Buy a wallet that’s worth looking after - Not only does it have to look smart, it has to be practical. Does it have enough pockets and card slots for everyday use? Does it seem durable or will you need to replace it in six months’ time? Would you rather it have a popper for closure or an open style? What colour will go with your other accessories? Make sure you look into the range properly and choose a style that will serve you well for a long time.

  2. Clean it regularly - This goes without saying but if you don’t look after it, it won’t last long. Even if the highest-quality leather there is, it still requires some upkeep. By regularly, we mean giving it a quick wipe every month or so and a proper condition twice a year.

  3. Don’t put too much inside it - The more items you stuff inside it, the more likely it is that it won’t last forever. Only keep items you need daily, such as bank cards, the odd loyalty card and cash. Keep receipts at home unless you’re returning an item that day! If you clean your wallet regularly, you will be able to declutter on a regular basis too. Do you really need that supermarket receipt from three months ago? Unless you bought an electrical item, probably not.

  4. Don’t sit on it! - Avoid this altogether by not putting your wallet in your trousers pockets! Sitting on it will create creases and marks and cause the leather unnecessary wear and tear. Keep it in a jacket or coat pocket instead. If it’s a warm day, leave the wallet at home and just carry around your bank card or enough cash.

How to clean a leather wallet

Be honest, it’s probably not an item you’ve cleaned for quite a long time. On the other hand, think about how often you use it, possibly even daily, so it will definitely need some TLC.

Men's Tri Fold Wallet

We recommend using a leather cleaner every month or so and conditioning every six month. Using a leather cleaner will ensure the majority of the dirt is removed regularly and conditioning will give it an extra layer of protection. Do not use any harsh chemicals on a leather wallet; it will only stain and ruin the wallet itself. Use soft cloths and specific leather cleaning products if you can but for a quick clean, simple washing up liquid or baby shampoo will do the job.

  1. Empty out the contents first - There is no way you can clean a wallet without first taking everything out of it. It might be a good time to declutter the items too. Keep just the essentials in there that you use regularly, rather than clog it up with tonnes of out of date loyalty cards and receipts.

  2. Try a damp soft cloth and washing up liquid/baby shampoo first - You only need a small amount of baby shampoo or washing up liquid for this as you’re just doing a basic clean. Give the wallet a gentle rub in a circular motion, wash both the inner and outer leather and pay close attention to any corners and pockets.

  3. Rinse carefully - It is best to use a clean wet cloth rather than immerse your wallet under a tap. You want as little water as possible in contact with the leather but just enough to get rid of any suds from the washing up liquid or baby shampoo.

  4. Get a leather cleaner to rub on - It is easiest to use an old toothbrush on the outside and a clean cloth on the inside. Spray the leather cleaner on the open wallet and leave it to soak in for about 30 seconds. Next, buff the cleaner on the outside of the wallet first before cleaning the inside. You might need to use a cotton bud to get into the hard-to-reach corners.

  5. Use a leather conditioner - First, test the conditioner on a small corner of the wallet to check that the colours match up. Apply the conditioner to a clean cloth, rub over the wallet in a circular motion and leave it to dry.

  6. Leave to dry overnight either open and wrapped in a clean towel or on a worktop. Either way, leaving the wallet empty and open allows it to dry fully inside and out. Avoid placing it near a window as natural light can stain the leather.

Getting into a routine of cleaning your leather wallet regularly means that it will be easier to clean in the long run. This process shouldn’t take longer than 10-15 minutes so why not do it one lazy weekend afternoon after you’ve been on a country walk? 

Be sure to check out the full range of men's leather wallets and of course, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

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